September 6, 2023

How does your home loan compare?

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No change to the cash rate again this month, but lenders’ mortgage rates have been jumping around more than a bunch of toddlers at a Wiggles concert. We reveal the current average rates to see how your loan compares.

No change to the cash rate again this month, but lenders’ mortgage rates have been jumping around more than a bunch of toddlers at a Wiggles concert. We reveal the current average rates to see how your loan compares.

Home owners are celebrating the official cash rate staying on hold for several months. But behind the scenes, Mozo reports that lenders have been “astonishingly busy” adjusting their home loan rates – both up and down.

Key movements over the last month include NAB, CommBank and Bank of Queensland lifting some of their variable rates.

However, in the fixed rate market, plenty of lenders including big banks such as CommBank, ING and Macquarie have slashed their fixed rates.

It goes to show, you can’t assume your home loan still offers a competitive rate just because the official cash rate hasn’t budged.

Question is, how does your loan shape up against the market?

Average variable home loan rate

Across owner-occupied home loans, the average variable rate right now is 6.60%.

Remember though, this is an average. It can be possible to pay far less.

We are still seeing home loan rates starting with a ‘5’ rather than a ‘6’. This makes it worth checking to see what you’re currently paying.

Fixed rates prove a mixed bunch

As of early September, fixed rates are averaging:

– 6.36% – one year
– 6.57% – two years
– 6.60% – three years

If you’re bold enough to fix for five years, the average rate is currently 6.49%.

These fixed rates assume a $400,000 loan with a 20% deposit, meaning a loan-to-value ratio (LVR) of 80%.

When could we see rate cuts?

It’s the question everyone is asking: when will interest rates start to fall?

First the good news.

A number of banks, including ANZ and Westpac, are tipping the cash rate has peaked and could stay the same for some time.

Westpac thinks we could see the cash rate fall by September 2024. AMP meanwhile is forecasting rate cuts even sooner.

But … not everyone agrees.

NAB economists expect one more rate hike before the end of 2023, with rates likely to fall by next Spring.

And the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), which makes the official rate calls, is warning we could see more rate hikes depending on how inflation and the economy are tracking.

Make a rate cut of your own

Even the experts can’t agree on where rates are heading.

But the banks aren’t waiting around for the RBA to drive their rate decisions, and neither should you.

Call us today to see how your home loan rate compares to the broader market. Chances are there’s a better deal out there just waiting to be claimed.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.

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